Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Healthy Nails are within reach...

Green nail polish may be hot this summer, but "it makes me think about nail infections," says dermatologist Cynthia Bailey. Black or green discoloration is usually a sign of a bacterial infection, says Bailey, of Sebastopol, California. Fungus, yeast and discolorations are some of the conditions that can send us seeking medical attention. And for good reason. "Changes in the nail can signal problems with your overall health," says Joshua Zeichner, director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research at Mount Sinai Hospital's Department of Dermatology in New York. Liver disease, kidney disease, medication side effects, even certain cancers can cause changes in the nails, he says. Serious medical conditons aside,  even routine dishwashing or getting a manicure can be hard on nails. But we can lessen the damage, experts say:
Protect cuticles. The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides prevents microbes from infecting your nails. Damage it and your risk the nasty infection paronychia, Bailey says.  It's ok to push cuticles back gently, but don't cut them, Zeichner says. "If you get a hangnail, cut it cleanly with a cuticle scissor, but don't pick at it. That can lead to infection."
Get wet. Clipping and filing dry nails only makes splitting worse, Bailey says. After showering or soaking nails, "towel off the water and use sharp clippers, followed by gently buffing the edges." Nails should  be cut straight across to prevent edges from becoming ingrown, a condition that can lead to painful infection, Zeichner says.
Baby your brittle nails. Age and harsh products "reduce the natural oils that act as a glue to hold the nail layers together," Bailey says. To counter the loss, apply cream, oil or ointment to the hands and nails several times a day, she adds. "Regularly applying a thick cream like Bag Balm, for example, at bedtime for several months makes a big difference."
Limit the use of nail polish removers, including acetone-free varieties, which are very hard on fragile nails, she says. And your mother was wise when she put on rubber gloves to wash the dishes, Zeichner says: "Excess exposure to water, especially warm water, can dehydrate the skin and nails."
Be patient. Fingernails grow about one-tenth of an inch a month, the American Academy of Dermatology says. Gelatin capsules won't speed it up, Bailey says, but vitamin supplements containing biotin "may help weak or fragile nails, as does a balanced diet."
Pratice salon smarts. Some people are allergic to chemicals used in acrylic nails and can develop severe rashes that can spread, Bailey says. Applying acrylic nails also creates many nooks and crannies for organisms to live, which can result in fungal, bacterial and yeast infections" she says.
Sanitation "is always in the forefront of the nail industry," says Sree Roy, managing editor of Nails Magazine, which covers salons. Though state health departments regular salon sanitation, clients should ask about how a salon handles sanitation and disinfection, look for its policy statement on the premises or on its website, and look for salons that highilight good sanitation.
Opt for non-toxic polishes. An increasing number of nail polishes have been reformulated to remove potentially carcinogenic ingredients dibutyl phthalate (DBP), formaldehyde and toluene. "But even within the same brand, some may still contain some of these ingredients, so it is important to check the individual color," Zeichner says. If the label isn't clear, he recommends checking the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Database (ewg.org/skindeep) for personal-care product safety infirmaiton.
Michele Healy, USA Today

How to Cure Split Nails


Split fingernails are a condition that occurs when the nail bed becomes broken and separated. The nails are likely to be brittle and soft as well. It can give your nails an unattractive appearance and require that you grow the nails to improve the look. While treating the cause of split nails, you can use clear nail polish or nail glue to hold them together. Speak to your doctor if you are concerned about your split fingernails.


Step 1

Limit how long you expose your nails to water. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, prolonged contact with water is the most common cause of split fingernails. Skip taking long soaks in the tub and bathe in lukewarm water to avoid stripping the nails of moisture.

Step 2

Wear gloves while cleaning or exposing your hands to any harsh chemicals. Choose cotton lined gloves to protect the nails.

Step 3

Reduce how much you use nail polish removal on your nails. The harsh chemicals in nail polish removers can thin and weaken the nails, which makes breakage more likely to occur. Use nail polish remover no more than bi-monthly. When you do use the nail polish remover, choose an acetone-free version.

Step 4

Keep your nails well moisturized by applying a hand cream. Lock in moisture and strengthen the nails by using a hand cream after washing the hands. The hand cream you choose should contain alpha hydroxy acids or lanolin.

Step 5

File down your nails. Round the tips of the fingernails with the use of a nail file as a way to keep the nails from breaking.

Step 6

Take a vitamin supplement. Nutritional deficiencies can cause fingernails to break and split. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology website, take 2 mg daily of biotin to stop brittle and splitting nails. It is not recommended to use this supplement if you are pregnant.

Preventing toenail infection

Here are tips for preventing toenail fungus,from the Mayo Clinic's website:
  • Short, dry and clean nails that have been cut straight across are less likely to become chipped, stubbed or to irritate surrounding skin, creating openings for fungus.

  • After bathing, the area between toes can trap moisture and encourage fungal growth unless you thoroughly dry your feet before stepping back into shoes.

  • Socks made with synthetic materials that wick away moisure can keep feet dryer than cotton or wool socks. But even such "high-tech" fibers will become saturated when your feet sweat excessively. Changing socks during the day is a smart tactic.

  • Anti-fungal sprays or powders can be sprayed or sprinkled on your feet and the inside of your shoes.

  • Trimming or picking at the skin around your nails can give germs an opening.

  • Fungi thrive in the warm, moist environs of pools, showers and locker rooms, but if you wear shoes or sandals you're less likely to step into a little colony.

  • Nail polish and artifiical nails can trap moisture and worsen an infection.
The Washington Post