Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is nail polish bad to breathe?

Nearly all the popular brands of nail polishes including Revlon and OPI contain organic solvents and methacrylates. The March 2002 issue of Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, & Behavioral Neurology summarizes a study by Gina LaoSasso, Ph.D, that shows prolonged exposure to nailpolish fumes can affect the way your brain works.
The researchers tested 33 nail-salon technicians compared to the same number of demographically similar control subjects (in other words, women who had no exposure to nail polish or other toxic chemicals.) Both groups were given a series of psychologic, neuropsychologic, and neurosensory tests.

Nail Polish Fumes Affect Brain Functions

Their study showed three main results:
  1. The nail technicians performed statistically worse than the control group on tests that measured attention and brain processing speed.
  2. The nail technicians and the control group showed no statistical differences in learning and memory, fine motor coordination, or on measures of depression and anxiety.
  3. The nail technicians’ sense of smell was statistically worse than the control group’s.

Fresh air, not fumes

What does all this mean? Apparently, exposure to enough nail polish fumes can make your brain a little slow and fuzzy. Kinda scary, huh? Unfortunately, the study didn’t provide details on how long this effect lasts so we don’t know if your brain returns to normal once you’ve gotten away from the nail fumes.
And while the study did measure the size of the salon, the amount of ventilation, and the number of hours that the technicians worked, the data can’t be used to predict what would happen at a lower exposure. In other words, if you’re in a nail salon long enough, you may experience these problems. But is 30 minutes a week enough to cause an effect? It doesn’t look like it but clearly more studies are needed. In the meantime, make sure you’re getting plenty of fresh air when you’re getting your nails done!

Do fingernails grow faster than toenails?

Yes, but the exact mechanisms that control the speed of fingernail and toennail growth are unknown, said Jeffrey S Dover, associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medcine. Fingernails grow about three times as fast as toenails.
"As nails age, they probably slow their growth a little bit," Dover added. "We don't know why." Skin gets less elastic and shiny with age, "and hair and nails are really all part of your skin, and age similarly."
Bruce Robinson, clinical intructor of dermatology at Lenox Hill and Mount Sinai Hospitals in New York, said that fingernails "reach their peak growth in the second and third decades, with a slight decline thereafter." A possible reason, he suggested, is decreased blood flow and medical conditions that can affect it.
The fingernails' growth rate, Robinson said, depends on an array of variables; the individual; handedness (for unknown reasons, nails tend to grow faster on one's writing hand); illness; and age. He also said that the rate increased in summer and decreased in winter and that growth was thought to be faster in men than in women, and in women during pregnancy.

Get Shellacked!

A chip-free, long-lasting alternative to acrylics and gels? Could it be true? Believe it! Creative Nail Design has introduced Shellac Nails- a fabulous and long-wearing polish option without the hassle or damage to your natural nail. This smudge-free, chip-free and quick drying nail color applies like polish, wears for two weeks of high gloss shine, can be removed in minutes and comes in 12 different shades.

How long does a shellac manicure last?
The actual Shellac color application will last for 14 days. It will last beyond 14 days but you will see a "line of demarcation" as your nail grows from the cuticle.

What is the difference between shellac and gels or polish?
Shellac is a patent pending technology by Creative Nail Design. It took them 4 years to create this product. Shellac is for the customer who is interested in long-wearing nail polish. This product will not extend your nail length. There are no primers, no liquids, no odor, and never any filing on your natural nail. It goes on just like polish.

Does it harm your natural nails?
Shellac does not harm your natural nails at all.