Monday, June 7, 2010

Nail Care Commandments

Despite reasonable efforts, we have been unable to attribute the following. We are however grateful to the author, and thankfully acknowledge their rights to the following piece.

Thou shalt not get dehydrated.

Drink plenty of water and protect the nails from fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Use a good nail conditioner and sealing topcoat to finish the job.

Thou shalt not let your skin dry out.

Use a good hand lotion to moisturise hands and cuticle area. The right fragrance can make all the difference.

Thou shalt eat right.

Proper diet is as important to nail care as it is to the rest of the body. Calcium or iron deficiencies may cause irregular nail growth and tell-tale white spots.

Thou shalt improve blood flow.

Blood flow around the nail bed brings the nutrients that allow healthy nails to grow. Massaging in hand lotion is an excellent way to stimulate blood flow into the nail bed.

Thou shalt not forget thy gloves.

Wear gloves when doing cleaning tasks either in the house or garden. Extra moisture tip: put a tiny bit of sweet almond oil on the hands before putting them in the gloves.

Thou shalt not use acetone.

Using harsh chemicals like nail varnish remover more than once a week can be very damaging to nails and surrounding skin. Use acetone-free remover.

Thou shalt not use fingernails as tools.

Do not use fingernails as replacement Swiss army knives. Use proper tools for the job.

Thou shalt not bite thy nails.

Nail biting is a difficult habit to break. Nail grooming can be an effective way to relieve the temptation to bite. Nail polish serves as a visual cue to keep from biting.

Thou shalt keep thy hands healthy.

Fingernails serve as a barrier to infection. Untended hands quickly show wear and tear.

Thou shalt keep hands clean at all times.


Joy said...

The healthy nails turn ugly nails due to the infection. The nails become yellow and brittle. They give out odor and look very unhealthy. To make them healthy nails again there are numerous nail fungus treatments. Market is full of oral tablets, though it is highly recommended to consult the doctor before taking the oral tablets.

Toenail fungus

Laser Printer said...

visit for Nail care commandments.
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